Trusts & Estate Planning

Law Firm | Pāpāmoa | Te Puke | Mount Maunganui | Tauranga

Approachable legal support that’s tailored to you.

Trusts | Wills | Estate Planning

The motivation for estate planning is often driven by a significant life change - the birth of a child, contemplating retirement, or perhaps a health challenge has forced you to look at things from a slightly different perspective. Whatever it is, we understand that all changes, even the exciting ones, come with challenges.

We’ll listen carefully to what’s important to you, and provide practical, well-considered advice, so you have the confidence that we genuinely understand your situation and have provided the best solution for you. We’re non-judgmental and here to serve you, so you can feel comfortable discussing things with us, even when the topic is complex or uncomfortable.

We’ll tailor our approach to suit your level of legal understanding, providing as much, or as little, support as you need, so you feel empowered and get a process and level of support that suits you.

Our offices have a relaxed style, easy parking, and convenient first-floor access, so you can feel comfortable popping in to see us. We can also run the entire process remotely if you’d prefer.

Trusts & Estate Planning

Talk to us about…

Estate Planning

  • Basic Wills

  • Life Interest Wills

  • Complex Wills

  • Advance Directives (Living Will)

  • Enduring Power of Attorney – Property

  • Enduring Power of Attorney – Care and Welfare

  • Power of Attorney and Deed of Delegation

  • Asset Restructuring

Trusts & Estates

  • Trust Formation

  • Gifting Programmes

  • Trust Reviews

  • Winding Up Trusts

  • Probate Applications

  • Letters of Administration

  • Estate Administration

  • Deeds of Family Arrangement

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